The AMPA- American Mini Pig Association is out educating in full force this weekend! We’ve prepared 3,000+ of these flyers and more educational info from the Ampa Ambassador Packet. Yesterday, everyone who stopped at the booth was shocked to hear that teacup and micro pigs don’t exist. Every visitor loved the visual examples of pigs sizes vs dog sizes. Hopefully, this will effect some of the irresponsible breeders in the state.
Over 13,000 Springfield, Missouri pig lovers, came out and visit the AMPA educational booth at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. Meeting Kimberly of Charming Mini Pigs, Vice President of the AMPA, and Lolita of Adventures at Oinking Acres rescue working side by side to educate their state on the realities of mini pigs. A combined effort to prevent impulse buys, by educating on truth of sizes, the importance of spay/neuter, microchipping, and what it’s really like to own a pig!
They will be busting the myth of the teacup and micro pig. All in an effort to prevent future abandonment of our beloved mini pigs. This is much needed education for the Midwest!! Stop by and say hi, show your support and appreciation for the American Mini Pig Education nonprofit for funding the event!…/ozark-spring-roundup
Download & print the FREE AMPA Ambassador Packet to educate in your community!…/ampa-ambassador-educati…/
#nomorebottlebabies #Nomoreteacuppigs #justsaynotomicro#pigsareaforeverpet